Monday, July 26, 2010

Missing a friend

A friend dropped out of my life a few months ago. At the time, I was relieved. We had gotten to the point where we were together almost every day, and we had come to rely on each other for support in ways that were not healthy for either of us.

She was doing tons of stuff for me that I should have been doing for myself, and I was helping her out financially to an extent that was actually beyond my ability. She once said she would like to be my personal assistant. If I were a multimillionaire, I would have been happy to hire her in that position. As it was, I had come to rely on her to sort of keep me energized, so I wouldn't just sit in bed in a dark room all day like I'm doing right now.

Anyway, she moved on, and I have no idea what she's doing now. The parting was a little acrimonious, and I'm sorry it turned out that way.

These things are all temporary. People come and go. Nothing is permanent, and none of it has meaning.

Even so, I find my samsaric self sometimes misses her.

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