Thursday, February 10, 2011

So You've Heard About This Chris Lee Guy, Right?

Responded to 'women seeking men' ad on Craigslist. Lied about his age and marital status. And his job. Said he was a lobbyist when actually, he's a US Congressman.

Sent woman a photo of himself, shirtless, hastily shot in a bathroom mirror. Said it was 'all he had.'

Was stunned that she figured out who he was. Probably more stunned that she notifed gossip web site, and was able to provide pic.

This is what comes of making poor choices. This guy should have been a zen master.

1 comment:

Ike said...

You could make the case that a Congressman is a specialized form of a lobbyist, who seeks to extend personal privilege and power by getting special dispensations at the expense of others.