Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Facebook Mystery Friends

I'm going to write at some point about the approximately ten percent of my Facebook friends whom I've never met. Some had legitimate reasons for friending me, but most, like the woman I mentioned in the previous post, seem to have picked me at random and just have some axe to grind, usually pertaining to politics or religion.


Anonymous said...

I haven't accepted any requests from people I don't know, but my favorite unaccepted request is from someone I met on an online dating site who canceled our first date at the last minute for a really lame reason, and may have flaked a second time too. Pretty sure he let the system send out friend requests to everybody in his email address book.


Anonymous said...

I know everyone I let on my FB page, and I didn't let anyone on that I knew was a right wingnut or zombie carpenter from the iron age believer. My favorite request was from what they call a "Good Christian" woman I knew in junior high who told me I "needed" to let her on my page. I checked my list of needs and, no, she wasn't on it. soartstar