Sunday, June 12, 2011

I Want To Be An Ant Again

I used to have the sense of being directly connected to the infrastructure of the cosmos, like a tiny ant crawling along a strut on some huge, complex carnival ride.
Lately, though, I've felt like just some shlub holed up in his house on 15th Street. I spend too much time thinking about piddling stuff. Movies... Tom Jones videos... Weiner jokes... some woman who wouldn't return my call. Pfeh.
The Tao is so large the universe can't contain it, and so small it will fit in the palm of your hand. Why would I be focused on anything else? But sometimes even the Tao bores me.


Anonymous said...

Turn it into material, like the great Joe Frank does.

mcarp said...

I would have to buy some jazz production tracks somewhere. And create some kind of bluesy, dimly-let set. Then I could just post my blog to YouTube and have my ass kicked by Rebecca Black.