Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Leave Me the Hell Alone

One of the advantages of paying to download TV shows is the absence of commercials. I have become highly sensitized to advertising over the past several years. It sometimes feels like people are surrounding me, screaming at me to buy their products, gadgets, politics, religion, whatever. The only way to escape it seems to be to shut myself in my house with no TV, radio, newspapers or magazines. Even then, advertising reaches me through Facebook and other web sites.

There was an ad in my Facebook sidebar today encouraging me to 'like' a well-known restaurant chain, and its new 'stacked, stuffed and topped' menu items. It reminded me of the 'McFriendly's' storyline in Doonesbury, in which Zonker works for the restaurant chain that is constantly looking for new ways to cram more calories into its customers.

One of my Facebook friends had already 'liked' it. She is a morbidly obese fundamentalist Christian woman whom I don't think I've ever actually met. She apparently friended me to preach Jesus to me.

But, back to the commercials. I don't want any more people yelling at me, or demanding that I buy their stuff, or trying to trick me into thinking that I want to buy their stuff. I want them to just to leave me the hell alone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The UPS guy counts on you. Without compulsive shoppers they'd be out of business and his kids would starve!!!