Monday, June 27, 2011


I am somewhat embarrassed to admit I have become hooked on the TV series 'Fringe.' I bought all three seasons from iTunes; they've been downloading continuously for four days.

Today is Monday. I spent most of Friday and pretty much all of Saturday and Sunday watching, and got all the way to the end of season two. Season three ought to be completely downloaded by tomorrow evening.

I told friends only half-jokingly that I felt guilty sitting in front of my computer monitor watching TV when I could be using that time to wallow in self-pity. I've gone without a TV for years, and congratulated myself for not being a video zombie glued to the screen every evening.

But I've really gotten tired of pondering the circumstances of my existence, which is what I spent most of my free time doing. I've decided it's probably more therapeutic for me to zone out for awhile in front of the TV (or, in my case, the monitor) than to stay focused on my own solitude and depression.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've also used Fringe to distract me from the obsessive contemplation of my myness.