Monday, June 20, 2011

I Never Got It

I'm 58 years old now, and I barely understand anything about love. My sense of it is that my understanding is much dimmer than that of the average person.

One thing I did realize — when I was about fifty — is that love is less than I had previously imagined it to be, and that part of what threw me off was that I had kept looking for more than was actually there.

I never wanted a romance to be mere entertainment, or a diversion or hobby. Nor did I want it to be a business/commercial proposition. Or a religious exercise. I can't tell you what I did want, but it was something more than that.

More on this later, if I feel like writing about it. Right now, the subject is about as interesting to me as room temperature oatmeal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes your blog is the only thing in the day that brings me a little peace. Thanks. --Tucson, AZ