Sunday, January 28, 2007

More cheerful stuff

The reference to Noah in the overnight post got me to thinking about that whole story.

I've forgotten why God decided to flood the earth, but I suppose it was because of gay marriage or the Dixie Chicks or people not sacrificing enough goats or some other thing.

Usually when you see a picture of Noah and the ark, he's an old dude with a big woolly beard, and the ark's a big boat with a couple of giraffes sticking their heads out the portholes and maybe some monkeys scampering about on the rigging.

And that's the flood story.

But think about the pictures we saw from hurricane Katrina. People on their rooftops, screaming for rescue that sometimes didn't come. Bloated bodies floating down streets. Block after block of homes and stores ruined.

Now imagine those same scenes multiplied a million-fold or so, and there's your great flood.


Anonymous said...

You left out the juicy part. After the flood, Noah's daughters believe there are no people left. They get old dad drunk and get pregnant. How else you think we got the world repopulated?

What? They didn't teach you that part in Sunday School? Can't imagine why. It's in the Bible. It's part of God's revealed word. Hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

A flood of cash would be welcome right about now, or perhaps a flood of good Austrian wine.

Fuck the cash; I'll take the wine.

Nina said...


Just had an urge.
