Monday, July 16, 2007

What the %$#& am I talking about?

There's a landmark here in town called the Gold Dome. If someone from out of town asked me what it was, I could describe it to them as accurately as I was able to. Even so, I would probably get some of the details wrong, and my choice of words might not suffice to completely portray it. (Gold Dome... does that mean it's made of gold? Plated gold? Painted gold? Used to store gold?)

As an alternative, I could just give the out-of-towners directions to NW 23 & Classen Boulevard so they could see the Gold Dome for themselves. That would sidestep the problem of my inability to describe it.

I've been struggling the past couple of years with concepts I was told right up front defy description. I think the reason Zen masters give their students these 'koan' riddles is to give them directions to the location, rather than trying to describe what the students will find when they get there.

Even if you ask (and some of you have), I really can't describe what I'm talking about. I think I've glimpsed it, at least, but I wouldn't dare say I've completely looked it over, strolled around the grounds, ridden the escalators, whatever.

Not only that... I can't give you the directions to get there yourself. Even that's out of my competence.

And that's all I'm going to say about that for now.


Anonymous said...

I would rather listen to you talk about whatever the hell you're talking about than listen to the five women I sat with Sun. night. If I never have to hear their constant bitter babble about men again, I'll be happy.

I don't care what you say as long as you keep saying it.

I think you're adorable and if I were there I would give you a big hug and tell you how fabulous you are.


Nina said...

When my son was little and caught sight of the Gold Dome for the first time, with tears of joy in his eyes and excitement in his voice, he exclaimed, "We're at Disney World!"

Boy, what a hard one that was to explain and quite a let down.
