Monday, October 13, 2008

Let's not do that again, shall we?

I got pretty seriously hammered Sunday night — the first time in eight or nine years. Fortunately, Nurse K drove me home. I was in bed by 9 pm, then up and hung over at 11:30. I drank three glasses of water and went back to bed, and woke up about a half hour ago feeling fine. I guess I could even ride my bicycle over to pick up my car, but I'm not going to.

Fortunately, I was with a small group of people, so not very many others had to experience my chardonnay-enhanced personality.

I don't much like sloppy drunks these days, and that includes myself when I'm in the state I was in Sunday night.

It was just an odd confluence of minor random circumstances that led to that, and I feel pretty sure of myself in saying that it will be another eight or nine years before it happens again.


Anonymous said...

well this explains the myspace message... pretty crazy mikeC...wish i was there... would have loved to see you 3 sheets... ha!!!!

mcarp said...

It wasn't all that entertaining.

For those who are curious, the myspace message had to do with two flats of flowers sitting on my front porch.

There were numerous typos, as well as lyrics from the Mary Tyler Moore theme.

I was kind of surprised to see those.

Nina said...

Heh...well, I behaved in the same manner only it was on Friday night.



Lark said...

DAMN I am sorry I missed the Myspace message! Next time post to Facebook too. Posting while drunk is almost as good as posting under the influence of Ambien.
