Sunday, October 26, 2008


One of the things I've been asked about frequently since my retirement is whether I want to travel. People seem surprised when I say I don't. I've never been out of the US, but I've been all over the 48 contiguous states. I traveled hundreds of thousand of miles as a reporter, and that's enough travel for me.

There are some natural wonders I would like to see, if I could just teleport to them and skip going through the airport. I've never been to Yosemite or Yellowstone, for example, or Big Sur.

Manmade stuff doesn't interest me that much.

But if we're talking absolute fantasy travel, I'd like to have a starship — something that could get me to another galaxy in, say, three or four days. And without me having to get a tuneup or have the oil in the warp drive changed or whatever.

I think it would be interesting to at least fly past some other solar systems and see what's out there.

But the Mall of America? Could not care less.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here you go, you can travel to Big Sur vicariously on my SF site:


(There is more Big Sur content if you click on the "big sur" link in the Tag Cloud at the bottom of that page)