Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Stiff all over

Ms. HRP and I did some more excavating of the back bedroom today. As usual, she did most of the work and also helped me stay on task, since my attention span for a project like this can be measured in minutes.

I'll be OK in the morning, but right now I'm so stiff I can barely move. I didn't do that much heavy lifting, but it doesn't take much to get me kind of froze up.

We discussed refinishing the floors this afternoon. Lord knows they need it, but it would mean pretty much clearing out the house then moving back in when it was over.

Ms. HRP has suggested we take yoga classes together. I'm trying to imagine me twisting my potato-sack body into even the least challenging positions. I guess it might do me some good - a former colleague from my TV days says yoga preserved his ability to walk.

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