Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday early AM

I spent almost all of Sunday in bed. I got up to eat a couple of times, came into the den to surf, then went back to bed. I saw my landscaper through the window; she was in the backyard, cutting and assembling wood into a form for the concrete that will be the base of my backyard water feature. I guess there isn't anything she doesn't know how to do. She should have her own cable show.

I didn't go out to say 'hi,' though. I just went back to bed.

About 6:30 pm, Nurse Kathryn called and asked if I was interested in dinner. I dragged myself out and we went to Zorba's. I felt sort of groggy the whole way over and I became mildly nauseated on the way, but it didn't last long. I had a chicken shish kebab. Then I took NK back to her place, went home and back to bed.

I couldn't sleep for a long time, though. I felt physically tired, but I was wide awake and my mind was zipping around in all directions. I felt bloated and as if I had overeaten, although I didn't have all that much.

I eventually fell asleep, then woke up again about a half hour ago, again mildly nauseated.

I think Monday will be another day in.

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