Friday, March 27, 2009

Another day of nothin'

I saw almost nobody today. My garage guy came by to pick up some equipment he'd left. I went to the grocery store and bought some stuff to tide me over in case I'm snowed in tomorrow. Later in the day I went to Smokey's and got barbecue.

I walked the dog a couple of times.

I searched - unsuccessfully - for the remote control for the stereo, which I have already misplaced, and which I hope I didn't accidentally throw in the trash.

I took a nap.

Right now, I'm listening to Shostakovich's Symphony #13.

1 comment:

kelley said...

and you avoided 4 phone calls and a text message...from me...!!! i had the whole day planned around working in your house...a simple.."i'm laying low today" would have been nice!!!