Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Early Tuesday

Bailey is doing a doggie sleepover tonight with Lucy at Ms. HRP's. It's just me and Rollo and whatever hangaround cats come wandering in.

I spent some time with Nurse K and Ms. HRP today, after spending about three days with no contact with anyone (other than cashiers and wait staff). I've been pretty much out of contact with world for most of the past five days, and have found it very relaxing and de-stressing.

I read MindoverMary's post about her friend who has temporarily (heh) moved in with her to escape a crazy, abusive boyfriend. No one has ever asked to move in with me (I wonder why - do you suppose it could be the cat shit?), but this is exactly the kind of drama I don't want to be near, let alone be participating in. I hide from this kind of stuff.

I used to think I was a screwup because I couldn't fit in with the rest of society. Lately, I've begun to think I'm the one who's sane, and everyone else is crazy. Yes, I know I'm surrounded by cats and cat shit and nose spray bottles, but no one gets beaten up at my place, no one passes out drunk in my front yard, nor are the police ever called to my home. I've never been put in jail.

I could list a whole bunch of other things that haven't happened to my dull, boring ass, but other people might recognize themselves or their friends, so I'll spare them the embarrassment.

I truly do not understand how people can live that way, although it seems to go on all around me. The very thought of it unnerves me.

Solitude is a blessing.

iTunes: Schubert: Impromptu in G flat - Martijn Van Den Hoek, piano


kelley said...

did you enjoy the rainstorm yesterday evening...? bailey girl is curled up next to me..all cozy on my purple velvet bed... lucy is a bit jealous... ollie could care less... she loves going in and out.. sniffing about...curious in the backyard...
love and light

Nina said...

Boring is a beautiful thing.
