Saturday, March 14, 2009

Two strange phenomena

Two strange phenomena occurred here this evening.

The first phenomenon was that I found myself walking down an aisle in Target with no recollection of having gone there. I assumed I had driven there, but I had no memory of having done it. It was almost as if I had come into existence at that exact moment.

I assumed I would find my car in the parking lot, and sure enough, I did. I didn't buy anything.

The second phenomenon was that after I got home, I found the toilet paper on the roller set into the wall. I never put toilet paper on the roller, but there it was, just as if it had always been there. I know some people make a sort of ritual of putting TP on the roller. I assume it helps preserve the illusion they have some control over their lives: "See? I've put the toilet paper in its place on the roller. I'm in charge. I make the decisions."

But, I know that life is lived on the ever-shifting sands of impermanence, so I don't worry about the toilet paper being on the roller. As long as it's within reach, I'm fine. Plus, I avoid that whole over/under thing.

And the shower curtain was hanging outside the bathtub. I'm glad I found that before I took a shower in the morning.

There seems to have been an odd shifting of the fabric of reality around here.


Anonymous said...

the toilet paper has been on the roller for a couple of days... as well the shower curtain..was pulled out to prevent getting paint on it while cleaning the paint brush...3 or 4 days ago... as to the toilet paper... i use it after peeing... and with...the massive pile of dirty clothes and underwear covered in cat and dog shit in the middle of your's hard to find the toilet paper... so in order to keep from rummaging through your dirty laundry...i placed it where i could find it... girls have to wipe after peeing... or at least i sorry... it's not about control...but convenience...
p.s...i cleaned the paint brush on wednesday...

mcarp said...

Wednesday? Well, that explains why the floor was wet.

But let's not overstate the dog and cat shit thing. You're going to make people think I'm a slob.

PS: I almost called you last night from Target. I thought you might have come with me and were in some other part of the store. I might have driven off without you, but apparently I didn't.

Anonymous said...

ha!! gotta love some mikeC.... so glad... you discovered... where you were before it was too late...!!!