Tuesday, November 06, 2007

House painting

I'm having the exterior of the house painted this week.

This will be a top-to-bottom job with an all-new paint scheme. Somewhere I have some pics of the house with its current paint scheme, but at the moment I can't find them. The paint scheme, done by the previous owners, is a cool gray base with white and teal/aqua accents. Which is okay, I guess, but not authentic bungalow colors. And it gives the house a kind of feminine, dollhouse look – hardly appropriate for a rugged, two-fisted minivan owner like myself.

The new paint scheme is a sort of dark taupe with dark green and dark red/brown trim.

This was done more out of necessity than vanity. The white trim was flaking off everywhere, and the scraping lifted quite a bit of the gray as well. But now that the process is under way, I'm developing a certain attachment to the outcome. I'm pretty excited about it.

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