Sunday, November 25, 2007

Survey says: commitment phobia

"The unexamined life is not worth living," Socrates said.

I know of no better way to follow the path to self-realization than the online web survey.

(Too bad the Socmeister didn't have the Internets back in the day. Instead of drinking hemlock, he could have just cancelled his MySpace page... or died of natural causes waiting for all the %^$#&# ads to load. Hit Aristotle and win a free ringtone!)

Following Nina/Christina's lead, I took the BeliefNet Commitment Phobia Quiz, and here's what it said:

You scored 85, on a scale of 30 to 100. Here's how to interpret your score:

75 - 100 Commitment-Phobic:
Your fear of relationships is costing you happiness. You may want to take steps to break your pattern.

Well, maybe.

Results of previous online surveys:

I'm a Mahayana Buddhist


I'm depressed


Anonymous said...

Duh on Buddhist.
Duh on Depression.
Double Dude? on fish oil.

Anonymous said...

Duh on INTP.
The rest of the artists are INFP and could lose the F for a T as far as I'm concerned.

Anonymous said...

I'm an INFP