Thursday, August 05, 2010

A Blog I Found

I found a blog I think I like called The Scurrilous Monk.

Here's a post from 2007 entitled "Do Not Seek an Easy Practice"

"We seem to think there is a shortcut...that all we need do is to think the right thoughts, see the right things or even feel the right things......and if we read enough books by Thich Nat Hanh or the Dalai Lama then we can be just like them. But Thich Nat Hanh's practice was tempered in a real war zone with grenades and bullets, and the Dalai Lama was driven from his country that he was responsible for and watched those friends under his protection tortured and killed."

Personally, I just have the practice I have. I guess I could have kept on working rather than retiring, but other than that, I didn't seek this out. On the other hand, I've certainly avoided more strenuous practice.

And I certainly wouldn't compare myself to the Dalai Lama or Thich Nhat Hanh. I'm not even sure I'm actually a Buddhist, strictly speaking. Do not use me as a role model or example. If something I've written during the past four and a half years had some use to you, that's great. But there are plenty of people out there in a better position to give advice than I am.

Anyway, it seems like an interesting blog. I'll probably add it to my permanent links at right.

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