Thursday, August 19, 2010

See ya around, Kos.

After weeks or months of threatening to cut myself off from political blogs, I finally did it this week. 72 hours of not looking at my usual list of left/progressive blogs, and the difference in my attitude is noticeable — at least to me. I don't feel like I'm missing anything, and I'm not making myself angry about the stuff I would be reading.

Frankly, I don't give a damn about what outrageous thing Michele Bachmann or Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin said today. Those folks' stock in trade is asinine statements. The real news would be if they shut up for awhile. Too much of liberal blogging now consists of simply reacting with outrage to some inane remark made by right-wing professional blatherers. Reporting that Palin said something stupid is like reporting "Bozo the Clown's nose was red again today."

Ignorance really is bliss, at least in this context.

I need to update my blog list on the right. Some of those blogs haven't been updated in months. And there are others I've begun reading.

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