Thursday, August 05, 2010

Itchy bumps

I pulled weeds in the yard yesterday and now my hands are broken out in itchy bumps. I'm using some generic brand of Benadryl lotion on them, and it's helped a lot. I guess I'm allergic to one of the weeds I handled. Next time, maybe I'll remember to wear gloves.


Sweeney said...

I've found Tecnu to be a good answer for that breaking-out after yardwork business. It's intended to be a soap for washing off poison ivy/oak oils but it seems to work for a lot of other plant fu too.

Other poison ivy/oak soaps work also but Tecnu seems to be the best.

Or gloves and long-sleeved shirt...

Anonymous said...

Try to avoid scratching or rubbing your crank, too---you don't want that stuff THERE.