Thursday, August 19, 2010

Later and later

I ate dinner at 1:30 a.m. yesterday. Or, more accurately, I ate yesterday's dinner at 1:30 this morning. I'm sleeping later and later, and getting up later and later.

I received a curious email from a friend yesterday. I can only paraphrase it, because I don't have it in front of me. The gist of it was that she didn't think I could go much longer without some sort of challenge, and that everyone seemed to see this but me.

I don't have a craving for any challenges. My challege is to go through every day without any crazy shit happening to me, and without causing any crazy shit myself. I think that's challenge enough.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I sometimes tell myself:

If nobody sticks a knife in the side of my neck, it's been a good day.

In other words, really neat stuff doesn't have to happen in order for a person to be happy. Or at least, satisfied. Sometimes it's just enough that BAD stuff DOESN'T happen.

Anonymous said...

Life is suffering. If we don't have a problem, we'll create one because being human means solving problems and without problems to solve, we lose our humanity.

Nina said...

There’s appropriate and inappropriate suffering.

I’d wager crazy shit falls in the latter category. Both can be challenging, imo.
