Wednesday, March 30, 2011

More 528 Hz Woo

I saw an ad online this week for a toothpaste, called "Liquid Dentist", billed as coming 'with 528 Hz Frequency'. As if it were an ingredient like fluoride, or mint flavoring.

New Age folks talk about frequencies as if they were tangible things. A couple of years ago, I had a conversation with a friend about this. As she put it, "I'm all about healing with frequencies."

"Frequencies of what?" I asked. "Light? Sound? Electricity?"

"Frequencies!" she replied, mildly irritated.

"You understand that a frequency is a unit of measure, right?" I replied. "Saying you heal with frequencies is like saying you heal with inches or pints."

"Well, if you just want to criticize everything..." she said, and let her response trail off.

So, to get back to 'Liquid Dentist', how does a toothpaste get a frequency? Is it vibrating at that frequency? Shouldn't it create a sound if it's doing that?

This stuff is not inexpensive, by the way. I saw it on various web sites selling in the $50 range for a 16 oz. bottle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Liquid Dentist?

Sounds more like Liquid Conman.