Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Revolt of the machines

The switch on my electric toothbrush has quit working. It won't turn off.

iTunes: Tango, John Williams

and why is my iTunes suddenly playing John Williams all the time?

Something is up, I tell you, and I don't like it. Today is the summer solstice. Coincidence? Perhaps.

But I'd stay away from that Dremel Moto-Tool today, if I were you.


Anonymous said...

Don't fool yourself into thinking that midgets have nothing to do with this.

Look into the matter closely enough, and you'll find midgets at work, I promise you.

Forewarned is forearmed.

Anonymous said...

They prefer "Little People" to midget. So, you, anonymous have probably pissed them off and will now have dwarf ghosts in your machines. I'd put the vibrator and car up for a couple of days until you ain't so hot no more. Plus, all I thought about was little people with massive lethal forearms. I have a KitchenAide with a whisk attachment going in my head. I think I need to go lie down with the dead dremel.

Anonymous said...

Oh great.

There are midgets/little people in the machines? Are there any preventative measures one can take? Or gadgets that will zap the dwarf ghosts? I sure as hell don’t want MY vibrator messed with.

Mcarp has John Williams stuck in his iTunes. I have Jim Croce stuck in mine.

I’m getting more and more depressed.

Something IS up!

Anonymous said...

No use telling everyone exactly WHAT is stuck in my WHICH.

But something's clogging up the works, I tell you.