Friday, September 15, 2006

The 501st post

With that out of the way, a quick recap of Thursday.

It was a lot like Wednesday: I went to work, lasted about two hours, couldn't stay on my feet anymore and went home. Suffered a fairly serious dizzy spell in front of my boss, who noticed me walking like someone who's about to flunk a field a sobriety test at 1:40 a.m.

I went home and slept, felt fine a couple of hours later, then started to fade as soon as I began moving around. When I say 'felt fine,' I mean I felt fine. No aches, no tiredness, no discomfort. But the battery had only about a 30-minute charge on it.

Rested more, and later, when I felt briefly recharged again, Suzanne and I went to Boulevard Cafeteria for dinner. This was done very carfeully, with allowances for the possibility I might have to be taken home early on.

But I hung on and made it.

That was the first full meal I'd had since Friday. I had nibbled at stuff during the five days in between, but I didn't have the energy or appetite to eat anything significant. So maybe getting a full stomach will help me get back on track.

Suzanne has been an absolute blessing to me during this. God knows what would have happened to me if she hadn't helped me out when she did.

I've had plenty of home time to read, sleep and bond with the cats, and I've been very grateful for the mild weather that has allowed me to sleep on the porch in the afternoons.


Anonymous said...

Hate to be the one to tell you this but you are getting a little preview of what life will be like at around 75 years of age.

Anonymous said...

I should add: LIVE NOW. If there is anything you want to do but have never done do it now before you "turn the corner."

Anonymous said...

One last thing. I have the greatest retirement plan if you are ever interested. It only costs about $350.00 (no hidden costs), is all inclusive (literally provides everything you need to retire) and it is hassle-free. The best thing about it is it does not require anyone to help you, i.e. no imposition on family and friends. You will also not need any adult diapers or expensive medications with this plan. I have a master degree in gerontology and I have researched this THOROUGHLY, believe me. It is THE and I repeat THE best retirement plan on the planet. It is made by Smith and Wesson. If you ever want to purchase said plan just let me know and I'll hook you up with a guy down on 10th street who can sell you a membership.

Nina said...

Truly those who attend us while hurling are blessings of great value.

Well, unless they’re enablers of a bulimic.


Anonymous said...

No joke here, but you didn't happen to eat any pre-packaged raw spinach, did you?

I eat the stuff all the time but was alarmed today to hear that lotsa people got sick, and one died, from E. coli-infected bagged spinach.

I tossed two bags today, sadly. Love that stuff.

Anyhow, maybe you got a dose of E. coli.

Anonymous said...

I, too, have been blessed -- under somewhat different circumstances -- by Suz. She is a treasure as a friend and boon companion.

Dzaster, on the other hand, wants to put pistols in the hands of the chronically depressed. It's a black sense of humor, but I love her for it nonetheless.

It was good to see you up and around Friday evening.
