Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Original Mind I'm reading Wanting Enlightenment is a Big Mistake by Seung Sahn, right? This is the guy whose other book I read, didn't get it, didn't get it, didn't get it, didn't get it, bing! got it. So this book I pretty much get.

I used to be a pretty big gossip and rumor fan. I'm talking ten years ago or more. I got to where that stuff seemed more like industrial toxic waste than anything interesting, so I'm much less enthusiastic now.

But: suppose I could keep original mind. Always just a step ahead of the point that any of it has any significance, good or bad, I would be neither interested nor repelled. It would be nothing.

I'd like to be that way about most everything, instead of always obsessing. Just let it all go. I guess someone needs to worry about, for example, the web page for the RFQ to hire the consultant to review the other consultants' findings, but how about if it's someone besides me?

I have 'way less pointless crap in my life than the average American, and I'm still awash in it.

Once you get a little glimpse of that clear state, it's hard to stay motivated about anything else.

Life is too full of script-acting and pointless habitual behavior. Shove a little of it overboard, and you find you want to chuck all of it. And go live on Cold Mountain with some cats.

iTunes: Ragas Sindhu Bhaivari and Gurjari Todi, The RajDhani Quartet

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