Tuesday, October 18, 2011

108 Days of Gratitude - Day 9

I am so fucking grateful I don't have to work.

I work best in near-complete seclusion, with maybe one or two other people around to provide some conversation and occasional distraction.

But I am not a team player, and of course, team players are what corporate America cherishes most.

I was in a restaurant for breakfast the other day, and there were quite a few suits in there. Guys with moussed cubicle haircuts, heavily-starched oxford cloth shirts, cordovan tasseled wing tip slip-ons, and suits that were a little tight around the waist.

That used to be me.

Perhaps those guys thought I was some kind of bum in my black linen peasant shirt, hardware store jeans and shoulder-length hair. But I bet they'd like to be me a lot more than I'd like to be them.

I worked for thirty years, so I feel like I did my share. It's just dumb luck that I got to retire maybe ten years early. But I'm grateful it happened.

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