Saturday, January 28, 2012

In Spite of a Good Night's Sleep...

In spite of a good night's sleep, I've been pretty wiped out today. Got to Jimmy's Egg about 9 am, and the Red Cup about 10. Got home at probably 10:45 am, and slept/dozed on the sofa for about two hours.

I still don't especially like being holed up here by myself. But I don't know what else to do. I don't have the energy for the crowd at the coffee shop. I'm still an introvert, and I have largely lived a hermit's life these past few years. It's hard for me to adapt to anything else. Sleeping on Suzanne's den sofa last night, with her and John in the next room, was just the amount of human contact I needed at that moment.

I've come to rely heavily on a handful of friends, but they still have their own lives to tend to, and they can't drop everything to wait on me hand and foot.

My right knee buckled once while I was getting dressed this morning. I didn't fall or hurt myself. It just felt like my body was refusing to do what I wanted it to do. I picked up a glass of orange juice at Jimmy's Egg, and it almost slipped through my fingers.

I don't know if this is caused by the cancer, or if there's something else going on.

I'm eating pretty lightly now, because it seems like the larger a meal I eat, the more likely I'll have indigestion and bloating afterward. So I'm not eating very much, and maybe that's why I'm having these odd weakness issues.

Again, there's some discomfort associated with the indigestion, but no pain at all.

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