Friday, January 20, 2012

It's cancer.

So here it is: the doctor found colorectal cancer yesterday. I have a horseshoe-shaped tumor that covers about 65% of the inner circumference of my colon. I'll meet with another specialist in the next few days to discuss treatment options.

That's all I know.


Joey said...

Damn, this hit me like a ton of bricks. I don't know you personally, just stumbled across your blog about a year back, but I do feel a connection with you through your writing. Keep us updated and let me know if you need any help.

patrizia said...

Wow. I am sending you long distance love. I would send you more practical help if I lived nearer.

Counterproductive, I suppose, but I am fucking furious with your doctor. The earlier the intervention, the more successful cancer treatment generally is, and I can't believe that they scheduled this test a full month and a half after they first suspected something was wrong. I call that medical malpractice.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I am so sorry to read this news. Going through some of your earlier posts, reading your various symptoms...chilling. I will get a colonoscopy this year in your honor, and I will hold you in my thoughts, and if there is anything I can do from a distance to help please ask.
