Friday, March 31, 2006

The end of the world, coming soon to your neighborhood

The way I figure it now, we've pretty much hit the end of the road. Global warming is here to stay and accelerating. Our seacoast cities will be underwater in my lifetime. Hurricanes the size of Alaska will roar through the Gulf.

If Jesus comes, he'll rapture some third world people who've always gotten the short end of our stick and tell us to drive our SUVs straight to suburban mall hell.

With luck, the world will end on a Friday or Saturday night and we can all hunker down at the Cup and listen to folk music and pretend nothing's wrong right up until the second a five-mile wide tornado sucks the air from our lungs and sends us into oblivion and the moon crashes back into the Pacific.

Have a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

you gotta get a hobby! Maybe, you should start counting cat hairs on your beret or stat a garden!!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

you gotta get a hobby! Maybe, you should start counting cat hairs on your beret or start a garden!!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Whoa, there's some cataclyzmic under the beret, too. Better put a red thread on that before it takes off, Buddy. Trouble is, you're right. But keep it under your other hat, we don't want to scare the cocker spaniels. Yeah, plant pansies instead.