Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Reality check

Maybe everybody does this and I just never realized it...

Once in awhile, I have to look around my home, take stock of the shape it's in, and make a note of things that are out of place but which I would normally not notice.

For example, there's a fork from the kitchen on the floor here beside me. I was probably eating soemthing at the computer one day and the fork fell on the floor when I was done eating. I was in the middle of something else, so I didn't pick it up. Now, who knows how many days or weeks later, it's still there. I've looked at it a dozen times at least, but without it quite registering in my mind, 'That fork is on the floor when it should be in the kitchen with the dirty dishes.'

I don't know why things that are obviously out of place don't make an impression on me. But somehow, they often just go right by.

So, on occasion, I go through the house, almost trying to pretend to be a 'normal' person, thinking, "Okay, that old magazine on the hall floor doesn't mean anything to me, would someone else be offput by it?"

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