Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Three Fort Yam

I wish I'd given more thought to the name of this blog. Threefortyam seemed like a good idea at the time, since I'm usually up and writing in the early hours of the morning.

But I have a hard time explaining to people what the URL for this blog is.

"Do I type '3:40 a.m.'? '3-forty-am'? 'three40am'?"

I usually tell them it's "three fort yam," just all run together. That seems to confuse them even more.

To make things even more complicated, the blog's name in the banner was "3:40 am" while the URL was "threefortyam."

So I've tinkered with the banner a little to make the 'threefortyam' concept, I hope, a little easier to understand.

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