Tuesday, May 16, 2006

3:40 a.m.

Woke up.

I think I'd like to live in a monastery fo awhile. Not forever. Maybe a year or two years.

There's too much goin' on. I want to get away from it for awhile.


Anonymous said...

screw the monastary. too celibate. two years? gotta be kidding.
No, it's the Samuri life for me. Meditating in the midst of battle because I care not if I shall live or die, have no regard for the material world, and only care and deeply about my personal integrity.
'sides, you get to wear a kewl costume and awesome armor instead of that old brown hooded cloak with a white rope around your waste and rope sandals.
No damn mint on the pillow in the monastary, dude. No Geisha. No saki.
Tuck Fhat.
I'm thinking once you got to the monastary, you'd only become focused on the cranky monk in the hair shirt and the arrangement of the hard wooden pews in the mess hall and pretty soon, it'd be the same politics and material goods, just on a barbarously primitive scale.
So, JOIN ME! We'll travel the world as pirates and hard bitten soldiers of fortune, awash in booty and blood! We'll be ... we'll be ... REPUBLICANS!

Anonymous said...

You can't! You are probably going to get hired for that job. Why don't you just take a vacation instead. You are probably absorbing lots of vacay time, aren't you? Go visit some of your buddies (Celia, Anthony, Dave)in California and then come on up (or bring the California group)to Walla Walla and drink wine with me.

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling... Solitude has its attractions.

You have to look at complicated life phases as some kind of wacky theme park ride.

mcarp said...

Okay. Now I get the samurai remark.