Sunday, May 28, 2006

Sunday AM

Most of the usual RC boomer group went instead last night to see Matt Walsh and the Mad Dogs, the great blues band (currently a quintet, up from a trio at last year's Claude Fest appearance) at the Paseo Arts Festival, I drank two beers, doubling my total year-to-date consumption. I don't especially like alcoholic stuff anymore, but sometimes it seems to hit the spot.

I've been a bit depressed lately. Some of it is just the normal cycle of depression I experience, and it will pass. Some it is related to my inability to deal with impermanence. I had settled into a certain comfort zone over the past few years which is about to be disrupted by events over which I have no control. I can't predict the outcome, but I can say it will affect a large part of my daily life and there is a strong possibility the changes, when they've been completed, will create an environment in which I will be less able or unable to function. Perhaps it will be enough of a change I will need to move to a more hospitable environment, although I can't imagine what or where that would be.

Time to reread Alan Watts' The Wisdom of Insecurity, the best book I have seen on the subject.

I have a friend who visited Crestone, CO last year and came back impressed. Maybe I could live there.

on iTunes: Nubchok Dechen, Choying Drolma and Steve Tibbets

I'm not normally a fan of Tibetan chant sound tracks, but the two Choying Drolma/Steve Tibbets collaborations, Cho and Selwa, are fantastic.

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