Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Gonna sell my house in town

I have a friend who has taken the Bodhisattva vow. At least I think she's taken it. She talks about it as if she has. So she'll come back, life after life, rejecting Nirvana, until all sentient beings are enlightened.

Master Gotama was a bodhisattva before becoming Shakyamuni Buddha.

Me, I don't know nothin'. Who am I going to enlighten? I have nothing to tell anyone (which hasn't stopped me from making 270 posts here since last November). I am no example by which to live.

You start thinking about what you have to offer the world, and realize how small your contribution is or has been.

My contribution is no greater or less than most other people's – I guess I've just become more aware of how inconsequential all of it is. Like ants carrying single crumbs back to the hill.

But of course it all adds up, and it's the cumulative effect one has to consider. Every ant does its part, bringing a crumb.

Soon, you have an anthill full of crumbs.

My allergies have been doing a lot better since I got the air purifier running. It's not big enough for the whole house, but at least keeps the area where I sleep relatively allergen-free.

And if I didn't mention it, the new VGA card arrived, and the desktop Mac is back in service. Sometime I'll post about Internet dependency.

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