Monday, May 29, 2006


Fell asleep and had some sort of weird dream where I guess I was a private detective.

I was investigating some sort of crime that maybe had happened decades before, and I was right on the verge of solving it. But I was being chased by a huge malevolent video game character. Not any character I'm actually aware of, just sort of a big black shape with a blue outline. I finally outwitted him by tricking him into crashing into another video game, where an NFL team tackled him and brought him down.

There was also something about running down a flight of stairs, and out onto a city street. Or maybe the street came first and then the stairs –– I don't know.

Then I woke up.

I'm going to be like Han-Shan, the Chinese poet who lived in a cave near a monastery and left his poetry written on rocks and carved in trees all over the valley. But first I have to learn how to write poetry.

I can't dance, either.

iTunes: Song of Realization, Choying Drolma and Steve Tibbets

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