Saturday, May 06, 2006

Still here

A drizzly, cool Saturday, and I'm at home. I'll go get cat food and other pet stuff later.

My allergies have been in full attack mode all week. I took some Claritin this morning and I'm okay right now, but I don't know how long it will last.

I made a promise to myself I would not talk about work here, but I will mention that my boss retired a week ago Friday, and this past week has been fairly hectic. It will stay that way until her replacement is hired.

I'm going in a little early most days, but I haven't needed to stay late.

But between that additional stress and the allergies, I've been really dragging.

I'm now reading –– I've forgotten the name of it –– an anthology of the Buddha's discourses, pulled from various texts of the Pali canon and arranged by subject.

Bhikkhu Bodhi is the translator and editor.

There are a zillion different flavors and varieties of Buddhism, but my particular lineage –– the Kindasorta (or 'Sport Utility Vehicle') School –– doesn't view the Buddha's teachings as 'God-breathed' (as some Christians describe the Bible), so if someone rearranges the text for better readability or understanding, that's okay.

The VGA card on my dual G5 cratered Thursdaay, limiting my ability to work at home. I'm thankful I also have the laptop.

There was apparently a known problem with the cards that came with the first dual G5s –– well, not known to me, unfortunately –– but reported in other places. In any event, my monitors are blank until a new card arrives from Smalldog.

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