Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The House of Jen

I have written briefly in the past about Jen, who first got me interested in Buddhism a few years ago.

I went by her house tonight to drop off a book.

There is a certain sense I get when I'm at Jen's house, one which I wasn't able to identify until tonight. It's a sense of serenity and tranquility. There's not much overtly spiritual about her decor, but it's almost as if I were in some sort of sanctuary or chapel.

In fact, Jen's decor is bohemian. Her living room contains a low table placed against a wall, a metal-frame futon that folds up into a double-size chaise lounge, two massive Adirondack porch chairs and an antique buffet. The main illumination comes from a string of miniature Christmas lights that hang around the sills of the two windows year-round. Pieces of art – some her own and some by others – hang everywhere.

I know Jen has read a little about feng shui, but I think it's more her natural instincts that have prompted her to arrange this eclectic mix of furnishings into a room that just absorbs me into a sense of peace.

I think that one of the impediments I face in meditation is that my house is such a rat's nest that it's difficult to feel at peace. Just as Jen's house conveys calm and stillness, my house conveys chaos and confusion.

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