Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Mmm-mmm easy

Some of you already know this, but my diet has changed some since leaving the hospital. I've had no fast food of any kind (as opposed to my old habit of KFC twice or three times a week, punctuated by Taco Bueno on non-chicken nights), and practically no fried food. The amount of meat and poultry I consume has diminished, and I intend to eliminate it from my diet. Pigs and cows should not die for my sins.

(When Master Gotama outlined the principle of 'right livelihood,' one of the few vocations he identified as 'wrong livelihood' was that of butcher.)

I've had no coffee since leaving the hospital, and no soft drinks, either. I drink immense amounts of plain water –– probably a gallon a day.

(Oddly enough, I'm gaining weight with all this.)

My post-hospital recovery reintroduced me to a forgotten pleasure of my childhood: Campbell's canned soups. I know there are more 'premium' soups on the market these days, but there's something about popping the top on a can of Campbell's, pouring the contents in a big mug followed by a can of water, then nuking it for 2:30 and having a bowl of soup that can't be beat. I don't even need a can opener!

When I was a kid, we had a lot of Campbell's Soup, especially the Cream of Mushroom, which I recall I liked more than any other. Today the idea of soup made from fungus strikes me as repellent. I can eat mushrooms, but I'm not crazy about them.

But never mind the mushroom; there's vegetable, minestrone, and a dozen or so other kinds.

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