Sunday, December 04, 2011

Try again?

Now that I've had some time to process my crisis of conscience regarding my OKCupid profile, I'm thinking about giving it another try. This is not to say that I'm actually ready to do it, only that I'm trying to make an adult, rational decision about it.

There is a certain challenge to be considered, and that is the challenge of writing a description of myself that is both accurate and honest.

The single biggest hurdle, at least from my perspective, is conveying that while I am not a Michael Moore or John Candy-sized man, I am not slender or hipster-sized or elegantly metrosexual.

I'm thinking that maybe what I will do is include some of those older photos that show me in groups of people, and say, 'Look, these are older pics, but I'm including them because I want you to see exactly how I look in relation to most other people, and not be unpleasantly surprised if you meet me and find I'm not built like DiCaprio or Mick Jagger or whomever.'

I was thinking this evening about Charles Bukowski, a much more gifted writer and intellect than myself, but likewise inhabiting a physically unappealing body. He was, in fact, a lot uglier than I am. Of course, he didn't have to deal with online dating.

Well, I may do this and I may not. I'm undecided.


Anonymous said...

Hank got the women because he brought the ruckus.

Do you bring the ruckus?

Well, DO YA?

mcarp said...

No. Obviously not. I'm ruckus-free.