Monday, September 22, 2008

Another exercise in non-attachment

Every day there are people suffering worse setbacks than losing their two favorite cats. Some of those people probably live in my neighborhood. I could have much worse problems myself, and I do remind myself to be grateful that my life is so calm and unruffled.

Everything is impermanent, as I've written here a dozen times. All any of us actually has is the exact moment in which we live. Everything else - memories of the past and expectations of the future - are just tiny electrical impulses zipping around in our heads. Even the concept of 'we' - or 'I' - is something of an illusion, as is the concept of a pet or a loved one being some sort of distinct separate entity.

The planets move around the stars, the galaxies spin and sail through the night.

The wheel turns.


Nina said...

Why is it that knowing all is impermenent still feels like a shock or emotional jolt when faced with a sudden loss?

Meshing the two, the mind and emotion, isn't so easy sometimes.


Anonymous said...

Clearly everybody deals with loss and disappointment. Sometimes I think we all have the same feelings, they just come attached to different events.