Monday, September 29, 2008

Making a pot of stew

Insiders will get my reference to 'making a pot of stew' in the 'I seem to be a chick' post.

For those not in the know, the last time I made a pot of stew was about six years ago.

And it's still in the refrigerator.

I'm not exactly sure what to do with it now. I'm afraid to take it out.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Six years, eh? You got me beat. I still have a bowl of pasta I made a year and a half ago when I moved into this house. For some reason I thought the change of domicile would suddenly make me all domestic and shit. Lord knows what I put in that sauce, but it just did not taste good.

Lark said...

A manly man would not be afraid of a six year old bowl of stew. Just sayin'. He probably wouldn't take it out of the bowl before throwing it out, either.