Sunday, September 21, 2008

The wheel turns

Earlier in the week, I mentioned my white cat Smudge, whom I got in Texas back in 1999 to keep Beasley company. Of the many cats who have come through this house since, Beasley was the only one whom Smudge would allow anywhere near her. Although they looked nothing alike, I always thought of Smudge and Beasley as being a sort of matched set, although it would be more correct to say their personalities complemented each other than to say they were alike.

Yesterday afternoon, Smudge and I were in the back yard. I fell asleep, and while I was snoozing, she took off. Gone. Headed for the hills, I guess.

I don't know if she picked up on some sort of Beasley death vibe or if it was just coincidence. But my instinct tells me she won't be back. She's just bugged out.

She's too old to take care of herself - I hope someone else takes her in.

It may sound crazy to say two cats were all that kept me going these past 9 - 10 years, but that's the state of things, and now they both appear to be gone — in the space of a week.

I'm not sure where that leaves me.

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