Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The new senior pets

With the extraordinary attrition in the cat population this year (including the deaths of Spotty, Oogah Oogah, Prajna and the immortal Beasley — along with the disappearance of Smudge, and earlier in the year, Baxter and Mijimoto), I am now down to two cats.

Binky and Grey Poupon. Neither is especially friendly or personable, but these are the cats I've got.


Unknown said...

I wish to raise a small, quiet voice in defense of Bink and GP, if you don't mind.

when you're not the favorite cats AND YOU KNOW IT, well, it's hard to be all that friendly amongst the crowd of more favored cats climbing up into the big guy's lap. Besides, they're cats and cats are what they are and that is an animal that's often a little stand-offish and self sufficient. Instead of labeling them with your notion that they are neither friendly or personable, why not enjoy their independence? Hell, as far as THEY know, YOU are the one killing off all the cats.

why not give 'em a chance and not compare them to some maudlin, self involved fairy tale about how other cats used to be back in the way back when?

Just my 2 centavos


mcarp said...

Well, I'm trying to not hold them up to Beasley and Smudge for constant comparison.

They are what they are.

Anonymous said...

If they were black and had a law degree from Harvard, I'd say they're elite. If however, you have no moose in your back garden, I'd say they're a danger to the very civilization that lead to their domestication. In other words, I think you need a dog to pull that sled.

Lark said...

Perhaps they are wondering where their minions are.