Friday, January 02, 2009

A dream

Holy shit.

I just dreamt that I drove the minivan into high water across a road. I couldn't tell exactly how high it was or whether it was too deep for me to back out, so I tried opening the door.

The water wasn't high enough to come in through the door, so I decided I would be OK.

Then I thought to myself, "This can't be right. How did I get here? Am I dreaming or something?"

At that point the water came over the bottom of the door. It was cold and wet, swirling around my ankles, and I thought, "Shit - this is no dream. I don't know how I got here, but I've got to get out while I still can."

I thought for a second about all the stuff in the van that was going to be lost or ruined, and realized I would just have to leave it - I didn't have time to grab any of it.

Then the van started to slowly roll over to the right. I realized I was likely to be trapped in it, and I started scrambling to pull myself up through the driver's side door.

I think I yelled, "Oh, shit" or "Oh, no" out loud and woke myself up.

I was never so glad to find myself in bed. Most of my dreams seem like dreams, but that seemed absolutely real.

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