Sunday, January 18, 2009

Infatuation epilogue

Whenever I have one of these spells of infatuation or romantic frustration, I feel I should post some sort of epilogue when it concludes.

The stages of these things generally run the same way: initial attraction, a bit of familiarity, infatuation, indecision, action, rejection, disappointment, analysis and self-recrimination, and finally acceptance and a return to my daily life.

If I had to name one thing that stands in the way of peace for me, it would be these occasional forays into emotional turmoil. They rank 'way above whatever comes next.

Zen master Seung Sahn used to say, "just put it down." I don't think he was talking about stuff like this, but the admonition is just as applicable.

But for me, at least, putting it down is still a struggle.

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