Sunday, January 04, 2009


This is crazy. Reality is crazy.


RJ said...

whose Reality, Mike. Your reality is very different from mine. You will make yourself crazy trying to figure it out. Grab your iphone and go to sleep!

mcarp said...

We assume that things came from somewhere, but what about the space between things? Where did it come from? What if there were not only no things, but no space? Then what would there be? Can you imagine a universe with no things and no space?

Unknown said...

This way madness lies.

Current quantum research indicates that subatomic particles are "winking" in and out of existence all the time.

Steven Hawkins asks the "nothing" question in his "Brief History" book and notes that the "nothing" that's out there could only exist once there was "something", which he calls "the singularity", all the universe's mass and energy in one place at one time.

I prefer to work on smaller mysteries with insufficient clues, mysteries like "what the hell is she thinking?"

Give it up. God and Gaia had a baby and we're it. Just because you don't want to think about your parents doing the nasty doesn't mean it didn't happen.


John X said...

Consider the alternative.

Then adopt it.

mcarp said...

"...and notes that the "nothing" that's out there could only exist once there was "something"..."

Alan Watts said the same thing in the sixties. But where did the something and the nothing come from, and why are they the way they are?

If there was no something, and no nothing in between, what would there be?

RJ said...

you trying to figure out the unexplainable!