Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rant Redux

I listened to a woman at the coffee shop complain this morning about how men 'of a certain age' get lazy. We don't go to the gym anymore, nor do we create passion and excitement. In other words, we don't do enough to entertain her. We're not giving her enough gasping, eye-rolling tales of intrigue, danger, heartbreak, snort, snarf, blort, argle bargle to engage her and her friends at girls' day out.

I told her some of us outgrow our need for constant drama. "Oh, it's not drama," she replied. "It's passion."

"Oh, I know," I said. "It makes you feel alive."

"Well, yes," she said. "I want to feel alive."

"I'm alive right now," I replied. "Therefore, I feel alive. This is what being alive feels like."

"But I want to feel more alive!"

How the hell do you feel 'more' alive?

Sometimes it sucks being alone. But good lord, what's the alternative?


Anonymous said...

That is the question, isn't it?


John X said...

My 1st ex-wife, Her Majesty Mrs. John X The First, used to say in a whiny voice: "I'm BORED!"

Referencing a popular TV show of the time she loved watching, I'd say: "What am I, the cruise director on the LOVE BOAT? If you're bored, find something to do."

I refrained from sharing my favorite quote with her, which was: Only boring people are bored.

Yeah. That marriage didn't last too long....