Wednesday, November 02, 2011

More flummoxed

I feel embarrassed. This is so fucking stupid.

I wish I had a switch to turn this off. The whole thing is just pathetic, and I would give anything to not feel this.


Anonymous said...

Nothing to be embarrassed about. It's a natural human longing. Respect it. Embrace it even.

Anonymous said...

And there's nothing sweet or charming or touching about some lumpy sack of potatoes like me feeling this way.

See above: YOu are shaming yourself with that evil voice for having normal feelings.

I don't know about you swimming against conventional wisdom--not sure what you mean by that, but it sounds like you are comparing your insides to other people's outsides and finding yourself wrong in having desires natural to the human condition. We feel emotional pain so we move in the direction of getting our needs met.

Invite me over to do an exocism on this relentless hammering spirit that is so mean to you. It makes me fighting mad to witness the pain these internalized bad wizards cause you.

You deserve love, companionship, touch and social interaction. You are worthy and handsome and charming. You are the Mcarp and don't let anything get in the way of your free expression of the unique being you are that brings joy to so many!!

Take that you wicked Mother Voice!! I'd kick her ass back to Arkansas if she showed up in my head!! Jersey shore has nothin' on Okie righteous indignation.

Time for lunch.

mcarp said...

I realize they're normal feelings. Part of this business of being social animals is that we modify our behaviors in order to live in society. Sometimes these behaviors are 'normal', or as John pointed out in the post following this one, hard-wired in our DNA.

The conflict here is between the behavior that is hard-wired into my DNA, and the behavior expected of someone who is seen by others as sort of a grumpy Uncle Buck/Mr. Wilson type.

'Deserve' doesn't fit into this equation. 'Deserve' is simply a human judgement, an attempt to apply our human expectations on forces of nature and socety that are much bigger than we are.

To use the immediate context, I probably 'deserve' to be loved more than, say, Charles Manson. But Charlie was literally worshipped by women. The stuff that drives that us bigger than me or him. If you understand, things are just as they are. If you don't understand, things are just as they are.

The evil voice isn't my stepmother in Arkansas, it's my natural mother – the first but not the last woman to reach the point she couldn't stand the sight of me.

Did she write this script, or did I? Or are we co-authors?

I'm writing this on my iPad, and due to the odd way it handles these comments, I can't actually see what I'm writing. I hope all this s coherent and makes sense.

Anonymous said...

I vote for the exorcism. You don't need to be imprisoned by your beliefs.