Saturday, November 12, 2011

Photo test redux

I emailed a couple of women who voted for my pictures in the A/B comparison test, basically to say thanks.

They told me the same thing happened to them when they took the test. Their pictures were rejected in favor of random shots of feet, furniture, the sky, etc. And let me tell you, they were both drop dead gorgeous.

So I feel a little better about it now.

But this is all still pretty damn bleak. I feel exhausted by it.


Lark said...

you know i have been on okc for YEARS and never even knew that test existed, and am pretty sure i would not have taken it if i knew about it. sometimes one needs to just say no to a stupid idea and move on. Clearly there is no useful information in the test and you are just using it as a way to experience old wounds, which i'm sure you realize. wonder why it's so hard to stop doing that.

mcarp said...

I thought when I took it that it was supposed to help identify which photographs were the strongest - and I think if used correctly and in a helpful spirit, it can still do that.

A user could, for example, determine that he or she should do more closeups or more wide shots, or better lit pictures, of smile more.

A person has to go to some trouble to find and take this test, and it seems odd to me that users would make that much effort and then offer half-assed input.

Anonymous said...

because the internet tends to attract trolls who think they can say or do anything because they think they are anonymous! I love trolls...they make me laugh.
